Join us for a 3-part class on the preparation for Pesach, with a real hands-on demonstration

3 Sundays after Shachris 8:45 - 9:15 AM (followed by hands on demonstration)
Location: Chabad House, 26 Wickatunk Road, Manalapan
Teacher: Rabbi Levi Schapiro

April 3, 2016
Part 3: Seder requirements & kosher for Passover products

1 - Learn about the necessary amounts of matzah & wine needed for the Seder
2 - We will have a scale to measure the amount of matzah & maror needed for Seder, also size of cups for wine needed at Seder
3 - We will have many options of Seder wine for you to taste (sponsored by Wine Academy)

April 10, 2016
Part 1: How to clean & kosher your kitchen
1 - Overview on what needs to be koshered & how to kosher it
2 - Large koshering pot will be available for you to kosher items on a limited basis
3- A number of cleaning supplies and materials to cover your kitchen will be on display

April 17, 2016
Part 2: How to check for and dispose of your chametz

1 - Overview on which areas need to be cleaned for Pesach & how to clean them
2 - Limited packets of candles and feathers for you to search will be available for sale
3 - A Rabbi will be available for you to fill out your sale of chametz forms and arrange for him to sell them for you

Submit any Pesach question you have to [email protected] to be included in this class.