
Yizkor Book

  • We have begun printing preparations for publishing our beautifully designed 5785 (2024/2025) full color Yizkor Book of Remembrance, in which the names of your dearly departed family members may be included.

    This Yizkor booklet are used in prayer on Yom Kippur, Shmini Atzeret, Pesach and Shavuot by all those reciting Yizkor. You will feel a special sense of closeness to your loved ones, knowing that the names of those you cherish are included in the Yizkor Book.

    The donation for each name listed is $25.00. You may also sponsor a full page ($360) or a partial page ($180) and list all the names of your loved ones.

    In addition, you may order a memorial plaque to be placed on our beautiful Memorial Tablet. There are limited amount of plaques left. The lights of each memorial plaque will be kindled at the Yartzeit and at Holidays when Yizkor is recited. The donation for each memorial plaque is $500.00.

    Please respond by September 15, 2024 to ensure that your loved ones are included. Also, please verify the correct Hebrew names of your loved ones.

    With best wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year, Shanah Tovah!

  • Yizkor Memorial Book

  • Yizkor Donation

  • Memorial Plaque

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