
Shul Sponsors Club

  • "May He who blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless ... those who set aside houses for prayer ... and those who contribute candles for light ...
    May Hashem pay their reward... and send blessing and success in all their actions... "


    - Shabbat Prayers

    Join the growing number of Shul Sponsors, who are included in this special prayer every Shabbat

    Our Shul greatly appreciates the families who are Shul Sponsors, by contributing to the Shul Sponsor Fund, at different support levels. Sponsors help the shul cover the building expenses of mortgage, utilities, maintenance, insurance, etc. Your support as a Shul Sponsor is a great act of tzedakah which beings blessing and benefit to its supporters and the community as whole.

    Shul Sponsors contribute $250 + per quarter for the Shul upkeep. Sponsorship includes 2 High Holiday reserved seats. For additional seats, a discounted contribution of $125 per seat.

    *Sponsorships of $1,000 or more annually receive two complimentary High Holiday seats
    *Shul Sponsors will be recognized on a Shul Donor Board (or anonymous when requested)

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    I will send checks according to the plan specified above, to 24 Wickatunk Road, Manalapan, NJ 07726
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